Vessel Protector QK

A Health Food Supplement to Boost the Health of Your Blood Vessels


Vessel Protector QK – a health food supplement made from fermented soybean (Natto)

Its main bio-active component is thrombolytic enzyme QK (abbreviated as QK) produced by a patented strain of Bacillus subtilis QK. Because QK is an enzyme found only in the fermented constituents of Natto, it is also commonly known as natto kinase. However, QK is a completely new variant of thrombolytic enzyme which is also fibrinolytic in function, being vastly different both in genetic makeup and protein structure in comparison with similar natto kinase supplements currently sold in the stores. QK exhibits superior ability in terms of dissolving blood clots, thrombus and plaques in the blood vessels and preventing clot formation, functioning similarly to the plasmin enzyme synthesized by the liver.

QK without bg

Unique Features of Vessel Protector QK

  1. Targeted enzymatic action – QK only breaks down the fibrin component of blood clots, thrombus as well as plaques, and does not affect the biological activity of blood platelets
  2. Super scavenger in blood vessels and blood – QK is a short chained peptide enzyme and highly tolerant to gastric acid therefore it can be consumed orally whereby it gains entry into the entire circulatory system through intestinal absorption and easily reaches even small blood capillaries. The biological activity of QK is not affected by any physical health condition as it dissolves blood clots and promotes the prompt removal of metabolic wastes in the form of urine, preventing toxin accumulation in the blood that may give rise to new blood plaques
  3. Highly active and long lasting working time to dissolve blood clots and plaques in the body – scientific studies have shown that QK works four times faster compared to other natto kinase supplements in the market and seven times more when compared to human plasmin enzyme. QK can work for as long as 8 to 16 hours in the human body and is currently one of the most biologically active natto kinase product that is proven to break down blood clots effectively and safely
  4. Exceptional antioxidant property – QK helps to lower the oxidation rate of reactive free radicals attacking the protein components of body cells, thereby slowing down cellular aging
  5. Unique protective function – QK protects the inner walls of blood vessels from cellular damage which helps to slow down the aging process of blood vessels
  6. Sourced from food with no toxic side effects – Vessel Protector QK has passed all stringent safety testing requirements conducted by a Singapore accredited laboratory service provider that shows Vessel Protector QK is not adulterated with any Western medication; not exceeding the safety limits of heavy metals; and not contaminated with any traces of harmful bacteria or fungi

Supplement form: Sugar-coated tablets

Ingredients list: maltodextrin, sorbitol, microcrystalline cellulose, natto powder, magnesium stearate, compound coating agent (pharmaceutical grade vinyl alcohol polymer, polyethylene glycol)

Active Components: Bacillus natto, premium small molecular peptides, natto kinase (thrombolytic enzyme QK), superoxide dismutase (SOD), bioactive polysaccharides, isoflavones, lecithin, vitamin K2

 Healthy organs


  1. Support healthy heart and cardiovascular system
  2. Support healthy nervous system and cognitive functioning
  3. Support healthy bones and bone density
  4. Support healthy endocrine system and hormonal balance
  5. Support healthy liver functioning and blood lipids, blood sugar level
  6. Support healthy gastrointestinal system and gut microbiome
  7. Improve bowel movements
  8. Support healthy skin condition and skin healing
  9. Improve sleep quality
  10. Support healthy immune system and strengthen body’s antiviral ability

 Taking supplement

Suggested use:

  1. Generally, take 2 tablets twice daily and preferably on empty stomach before meals for best results.
  2. Take after meals if you have a history of an ongoing gastric problem.
  3. Can be taken together with any medications without any side effects
  4. Recommended to drink an optimal 2000ml of warm water not less than 42oC in small sips throughout the day. This helps to raise body temperature and increase blood circulation that will enhance the breaking down of any existing arterial plaques and flushing out the metabolic wastes



  1. Patients who just underwent heart-related medical procedures such as coronary angioplasty, coronary artery bypass grafting or diagnosed with cerebral haemorrhage (bleeding in brain) are advised to take Vessel Protector QK only after six months whereby they are certified to be recovering by their doctors. Patients who are hospitalised due to stroke can take QK only after they are discharged from the hospital and have recuperated at home for seven days. Be sure to begin with only one tablet twice daily and observe your condition for a week. If there is no observable unbearable recovery symptoms, you may increase your dosage to two tablets twice daily.
  2. Vessel Protector QK promotes better blood circulation to remove stagnation therefore it is not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under six years of age.
  3. Those with very weak physical conditions or having hypertension are strongly advised to start with one tablet twice daily. If there is no obvious blood pressure fluctuations or unbearable recovery symptoms after 1 month, the dosage can be adjusted to two tablets twice daily.
  4. Anyone who just had surgery – minimum 3 months for minor operations and 6 months for major ones – must wait for their wounds to be fully healed before taking a course of Vessel Protector QK.
  5. For ladies having a persistent condition of reduced menstrual flow, taking Vessel Protector QK during menses helps to improve blood flow, ease blood stagnation and promotes the removal of toxins; ladies who suffer from very heavy menstrual flow are recommended to stop taking QK or take only one tablet daily during menstruation.
  6. Do not arbitrarily stop your prescribed medication for hypertension and/or diabetes while taking Vessel Protector QK initially. After one month of consumption, consult your family doctor for advice to gradually reduce your medication dosage once he has verified that your blood pressure and/or blood sugar has lowered. The same precaution applies to people on aspirin after having taken QK for 20 days.
  7. Please follow the above instructions strictly. Do not increase your QK dosage at will. It is advisable to start taking two tablets twice daily only when there is no evident improvement and after consulting professionals familiar with Vessel Protector QK.

Vessel Protector QK Proves Its Worth Through Solid Data

Clinical trials

A total of 2.8 million participants took part in the clinical trial involving the efficacy of Vessel Protector QK dated between January 2016 to June 2017. The research data collated demonstrates that Vessel Protector QK helps to reduce symptoms related to:

Plaque in carotid artery in neck –  87.3%

Hypertension – 84.9%

Hyperlipidaemia – 74%

Hyperglycaemia – 75%

Varicose veins in lower limbs – 81.2%

How do I know if Vessel Protector QK really works for me?

Before and after

  1. The most direct way – go for medical check-ups before and after taking QK

What to check:

  1. D-dimer levels – D-dimer is a metabolic by product resulting from the breakdown of blood clots/plaques and is detectable in the blood thirty minutes after taking QK
  2. The degree of atherosclerosis in the affected blood vessels after one month
  3. Blood lipids profile including total cholesterol, high density lipoproteins (HDL), low density lipoproteins (LDL) and triglycerides levels after one month
  4. Noticeable physical symptoms
  5. Diminishing symptoms of discomfort and pain such as numbness in fingers, headaches, chest tightness and breathlessness
  6. Increased intensity of symptoms such as feeling dizzier, more pain in chest area, raised blood pressure etc. However, such incidences usually last not more than three days or they may come and go in repeated cycles for a period of time before subsiding. This signifies that QK is working to resolve the root of your physical problems, which indicates there are numerous blood clots/plaques clogging up the blood vessels and in the process of QK dissolving them and helping your body to remove the metabolic debris, recovery symptoms appear that point to the efficacy of QK
  7. Experience sudden pains, aches or tingling discomfort in body parts that have never been a problem. This is a good sign that shows your hidden physical problems have been uncovered and QK is working to help your cellular tissues heal and recover
  8. Positive changes in the body
  9. Your face no longer looks dull and pale in colour. Your skin feels smooth to the touch and your lips turn rosy. Even your skin pigmentation lightens!
  10. You no longer shiver uncontrollably in cold weather or air conditioned rooms. Now you can even sweat normally when you exercise!
  11. Your sleep quality improves and your brain no longer feels foggy; you are full of energy and do not feel tired easily during the day!
  12. You feel attractive in appearance and your libido improves
  13. Your stools are no longer loose and you are slowly gaining a healthy weight; ladies experience fewer pre-menstrual symptoms; your skin, hair and nails all exude a healthy glow and radiance

Whether Vessel Protector QK works for you is more than merely receiving favourable outcomes for your medical check-ups, it’s also about positive transformation in your sense of wellbeing and physical appearances.

Research and Development of Vessel Protector QK

Professor Wang Yefu, from the School of Life Science Wuhan University, was the main driving force behind the discovery and development of Vessel Protector QK, a process that took him more than ten years of his scientific pursuit. His research team focused their scientific efforts on the arduous process of fermenting soy using different probiotic strains of Bacillus subtilis var. natto to produce the subject of interest – natto  kinase enzymes, which were then isolated and tested for their efficacy. Extensive comparison studies were conducted on nearly 10,000 strains of Bacillus subtilis var. natto found worldwide until the team discovered a particular super strain which secreted a highly specific natto kinase enzyme that dissolves blood clots and plaques effectively with no detectable toxic side effects, as well as resisting disintegration by gastric acid which makes it an ideal candidate for oral consumption. And this strain of discovery was named by Professor Wang Yefu as Bacillus subtilis QK.

Using a combination of modern genetic engineering technologies and traditional crafts in soy fermentation, the genome of Bacillus subtilis QK was further enhanced to optimise its biological activity and specificity in only breaking down the fibrin component of blood clots, thrombus and plaques. The fermented cultures are then made to pass through numerous filtration and purification processes to obtain a final product purity of 99% and above. To date, Professor Wang has successfully obtained three major patents for his invention as well as twenty over patented auxiliary technologies for the production of Vessel Protector QK.

How does Vessel Protector QK dissolves blood clots and plaques effectively?

The enzymatic function of Vessel Protector QK to break down blood clots and plaques is closely related to the thrombolytic capability that we are naturally born with. The homeostasis of our blood is dependent on checks and balances generated through the interaction of our clotting mechanism, anti-clotting mechanism and fibrinolytic mechanism. As the name implies, our fibrinolytic system works through the plasmin, a protease enzyme whose biological function is to degrade the fibrin mesh that holds a blood clot and plaque together.

First, let’s have a basic understanding about the various players that make up the human fibrinolytic system. One of its fundamental and core components is the plasminogen that turns into plasmin enzyme under the action of activating molecules. Other components include inhibitory molecules that prevents the activation of plasminogen or inactivate plasmin enzyme itself.

The table below is a simplified illustration of the various components that make up our human fibrinolytic system:

Human fibrinolytic system

Activation Pathway of Plasmin Enzyme:

Plasminogen (synthesised in liver) > t-PA (synthesised by endothelial cells lining the blood vessels ) and u-PA (synthesised in kidneys) > Plasmin enzyme

The activating action of t-PA and u-PA on plasminogen is then being regulated by the inhibitory activity of PAI-1 and PAI-2, and it is precisely this antagonistic mechanism of activation and inhibition that fine-tunes the biological activity of the plasmin enzyme.

How does Vessel Protector QK work so well to dissolve blood clots and plaques effectively?

  1. It directly degrades the fibrin mesh that formed the structural backbone of blood clots and plaques into smaller peptides and amino acids.
  2. It increases the biological activity of u-PA to convert plasminogen into plasmin enzyme at a faster rate.
  3. It promotes the synthesis of t-PA which helps to activate more plasminogen to become plasmin enzyme.
  4. It inactivates and breaks down the inhibitory PAI-1 to sustain the continuous conversion of plasminogen into plasmin enzyme.

human fibrinolytic system QK

Why should we care about the health of our blood vessels?

Fact: 95% of chronic diseases diagnosed medically are directly related to the abnormal functioning of our blood vessels

Blood vessels

The length of arteries, veins and capillaries in the human body add up to a sum total of 96,000km, long enough to circle round the entire earth 2.7 times. Aging sets in the moment our blood vessels start to deteriorate. Put it another way, when our blood vessels function well without any blockages and the blood transported within the vessels are cleansed properly, we remain youthful and healthy.

Unfortunately, our modernised environment as well as our lifestyles filled with easy conveniences and speed are the very scourges that harm the health of our circulatory system which leads to the formation of arterial plaques as early as childhood. Such formations increase at a rate of 1% to 3% annually that eventually turn into bigger plaques around the age of 40 and likely to obstruct 30% – 40% of the blood vessels; then it reaches approximately 50% blockages around 50 years old and above, and this usually marks the beginning of developing a chronic health condition for life.

Facing such a great possibility of a grim future, it is absolutely critical that we grasp essential knowledge about the condition of our blood vessels and blood so that we can take better care of our physical health and lower the risk of being diagnosed with chronic diseases.

Firstly, let’s understand the definitions of a few key substances that are formed in response to changes occurring in the blood and blood vessels.

The difference between a blood clot, thrombus and plaque

Blood clot components

A blood clot is a clump of blood cells and other substances that occurs when blood hardens from a liquid to a solid. When a blood clot forms inside one of your veins or arteries, it is called a thrombus.

On the other hand, a plaque is made up of deposits of fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste products, calcium and fibrin. It usually builds up in the arteries which causes the artery walls to become thickened and stiff.

Thrombus and arterial plaque

Though blood clots, thrombi and arterial plaques differ by definitions, all three share a commonality. That is, all three contain the insoluble fibrin proteins that form their most important structural building block. This cross-linking fibrin meshwork acts like the steel rods framework of a building that must be erected before other building materials such as sand, brick and cement fill up the spaces in between.

Next, why does a blood clot and a plaque form in the first place?

As a matter of fact, blood coagulates to form blood clots is an important protective mechanism of the body, which ensures a person does not die from the unfortunate situation of losing too much blood because of injuries. We must remember that human blood is the carrier and transporter of many different biological substances essential for life and survival, therefore any substantial amount of blood loss is akin to depleting the vital life force of man.

For the purpose of giving a simple illustration of the blood clotting process, let’s imagine a few scenarios that happen commonly in everyday life: we scrape our knees during a fall or have a finger cut by a sharp knife accidentally. As long as the open wound is small, our naked eyes only see the wound stop bleeding after cleansing it with running water and applying antiseptics solution. What goes undetected on a molecular level is the onset of a cascade of biochemical signals that is put into motion by the skin cells the moment they are being damaged by external forces. This triggers the clotting mechanism in the blood to form a blood clot that temporarily plugs up the open wound. At the same time, the biochemical signals also attract and direct the immune cells both circulating in the blood and within the skin tissue to the site of damage, so that the immune cells will engulf and destroy any pathogenic micro-organisms that may invade the body through the open wound to cause infection.

Next, under the influence of growth factors and cytokines secreted by the immune cells, the neighbouring skin cell types surrounding the damaged skin tissue are stimulated to grow and divide which will heal and repair the open wound. At this stage, the fibrinolytic mechanism is also activated to gradually dissolve the blood clot and this starts to tone down the biochemical signals and minimises inflammation which continues until the damaged part is completely replaced by new skin cell types and this marks the end of the healing process in the body.

Blood clotting process

Up to this point, some readers may feel perplexed: since our body is equipped naturally with both a clotting and fibrinolytic mechanism to maintain blood flow in homeostasis, why on earth would plaques build up in the arteries to cause constricted blood flow? Because the development of arterial plaques works completely different from that of a blood clot formation and there are numerous external as well as internal factors which induces arterial plaques to form more easily.

Arterial plaque formation

A plaque forms when low density lipoprotein cholesterol gets deposited on the inner lining of an artery. To get rid of it, the body marshals white blood cells to trap the LDLs which become foamy cells instead that ooze more fat and cause more inflammation. That stimulates muscle cells in the artery wall to multiply and form a cap over the area. The real danger occurs when the affected blood vessels become too narrow that cut off critical blood supply or they are so hardened which rupture suddenly under a surge of blood pressure leading to a blood clot, and all these unfortunately may lead to a heart attack, stroke or even death.

What are these factors that cause blood clots and arterial plaques to form more easily in the body?

Other than genetic factors that predispose a person to blood clotting disorders, there are three major causes that accelerate the formation of blood clots and arterial plaques as we age, namely damaged blood vessels, dysfunctional state of the blood and slow-moving blood flow.

Blood Vessels

Damaged blood vessels

Frequent injury of the blood vessels is a leading cause of blood clot and plaque formation. The inner walls of the blood vessels are subjected to cellular damage because of the following reasons:

  • Physical – hypertension that put blood vessels under tremendous pressure, exposure to radiation rays that destroys cells
  • Chemical – carbon monoxide poisoning, elevated levels of circulating biochemical substances such as blood glucose, lactic acid, stress hormones in the form of cortisol
  • Biological – pathogenic virus and bacteria, endotoxins, thrombin
  • Immunological – antigen-antibody complexes, complement-bound-antigen compound, interleukin, tumour necrosis factor
  • Psychological – long term negative emotional stress

Changes to the State of Blood

This is primarily due to dysfunctional changes occurring in certain blood cells such as the platelets, clotting factors, anti-clotting factors, plasmin enzyme and thickening of the blood.

Viscous blood

Blood platelet changes

  • Elevated platelet count – Chronic conditions that produce prolonged inflammation such as autoimmune diseases, cancer, severe injury, certain viral infections and even iron deficiency are some of the common causes that increase platelet count in the blood
  • Hyper reactive platelets or platelets being activated in response to aging tissues or organs, the presence of thrombin, endotoxins, antigen-antibody immune complex, elevated levels of fibrinogen in the blood circulation
  • Structural changes in glycoprotein components on surface of platelet membranes – Elevated circulating blood glucose levels can increase platelet reactivity by inducing glycation of proteins on the surface of the platelets. Such glycation decreases membrane fluidity which causes platelets to agglutinate even more easily to form blood clots

Malfunctioning clotting factors

  • The insertion of artificial implants such as stent in the blood vessel, heart pacer in the body or having to undergo medical procedures that expose the cellular tissue to the external environment may hyper-activate the clotting factors
  • Clotting-enhancing substances that enter the blood circulation, body tissue damage, infections, toxins that trigger allergic reactions, cancer cells, antigen-antibody immune complex, endotoxin overload as well as inflammatory conditions will activate the clotting factors

Reduced activity of plasmin enzyme

The natural process of aging causes the plasmin enzyme to become less active biologically. In addition, cardiac problems caused by narrowed coronary arteries, hyperlipidaemia, diabetes and obesity all affect the optimal functioning of the plasmin enzyme which increases the rate of blood clot and arterial plaque formation.

Increased viscosity of blood plasma

When body temperature drops from 37oC to 22oC, blood viscosity will increase to 60% – 70%; elevated levels of circulating fibrinogen, globulin or lipids in the blood will cause the blood to become more sticky which slows down the speed of blood flow.

To summarise: persistent damage to the blood vessels, hyper-activated blood platelets and/or clotting factors, reduced biological activity of the plasmin enzyme, viscous blood and slow blood flow in which a combination of these factors contribute to a greater probability of forming blood clots or plaques in the human body.

Putting the above illustration into perspective, the following occurrences in daily life will escalate the risk of forming blood clots and building up arterial plaques in our blood vessels:

  • In the face of stressful situations such as financial difficulties, strained relationships or work overload, we neglect to deal with our negative emotions and subject ourselves to prolonged periods of chronic stress which causes our bodies to secrete stress hormones predominantly cortisol, that inflict damage on our tissues and organ systems through inflammation
  • Unhealthy lifestyle habits such as keeping late nights, smoking, excessive alcoholic drinking, insufficient leisure time to rest and relax, not exercising regularly and moderately as well as binge eating, will affect the optimal functioning of the liver which in turn lowers the body’s immunity
  • Unhealthy eating habits such as being a picky eater, frequently consume chemically processed foods and beverages, prefer to eat foods high in sugar, salt and/or fats contents, insufficient daily intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, will overwork the digestive system and negatively impact the state of blood


Once we are medically diagnosed with chronic health conditions like hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidaemia and obesity, the propensity to form more blood clots and arterial plaques which gradually obstruct blood flow in certain parts of our body will only increase with aging.

What physical problems will arise as a result of blood clot and plaque formation?

Pain in chest

Generally, most people do not feel any physical discomfort when the blood vessels are 20% clogged. Even when there is about a 40% blockage, a person merely feels somewhat fatigued which tends to be brushed off as nothing unusual. However, if the blood vessels are narrowed to 50% build up of plaque, the homeostatic dynamics of the human body is being disrupted that leads to unstable fluctuations in blood pressure, occasional sleeplessness and reduced immunity; 70% obstruction will produce uncomfortable symptoms in the heart, chest tightness, palpitations, dizziness or headaches, decline of memory; when the body suffers from 80% blockage, the person may start to experience numbing sensations, poor blood circulation in the limbs; if any of the organ systems are clogged 90%, there is an increased risk of bleeding in the brain, stroke or heart attack.

 Symptoms of blockages

Below is a list of physical symptoms which may be caused by blood clots or plaques in the body:

  1. Chest pain and tightness
  2. Frequent breathlessness
  3. Unexplained discomfort
  4. Slurred speech
  5. Dizziness and headaches
  6. Unstable blood pressure
  7. Chronic pain and aches
  8. Poor blood circulation
  9. Swollenness in body
  10. Pain in leg while walking
  11. Decline of memory
  12. Ringing sounds in ears
  13. Decline in hearing
  14. Blurry vision
  15. Stiffness in finger joints
  16. Numbness in face
  17. Tongue feeling stiff
  18. Drooling in sleep
  19. Easily agitated
  20. Easily tired
  21. Poor sleep quality
  22. High blood cholesterol
  23. Frequent weakness in the neck
  24. Numbness in the body

This shows that one of the underlying causes of most chronic health conditions is the existence of blood clots and plaques in the body, therefore it is of utmost importance to remove any blood clots and plaques in the blood vessels. In order to maintain our physical health, we must learn to read the signals produced by our body in the form of pain and discomfort, because as the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. As long as we keep our blood cleansed and our blood vessels clear of any blockages, our physical body will certainly function in optimal wellness. And the unique anti-coagulating abilities of Vessel Protector QK in dissolving and preventing the formation of blood clots and arterial plaques are definitely one of the most effective weapons we can wield in our quest to age in grace and comfort.

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