Stress Relieving Therapies for Head

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Emotional Brain Analysis

Understanding How We Think Emotionally Is Important For Our Well-Being

Our emotions influence the way we think and what we think determines whether we are reacting from a place of fear or responding based on the choices we make that reflect our personal values. Whatever we choose to put into practical action will determine the outcome of our efforts. Therefore recognising our emotional thinking patterns can become a useful tool in our hands to navigate life challenges.

No one is immune to the unpredictable circumstances life throws up but the way we perceive and react to these will create an emotional thinking pattern that has long-term impact on our general well-being.

Expectations for life arise from the desire to attain a better life and seeking approval from others like parents, spouse, peers and superiors at work or study.

Being weighed down by excessive work pressures can lead to overeating, chronic fatigue, shortness of breath, mood swings, sense of emptiness, irritable temperament, depressing emotions, loss of interest.

Health problems that are chronic or occur suddenly bring undue stress on the body and induce fear or anxiety in the mind.

Dissatisfaction with self whether in the outward appearance or in the inner being may affect how a person interacts with others and hinders the development of meaningful and empowering relationships.

  • Weaken a person’s will to give up easily and becoming too trusting of dubious people or schemes of things.
  • Produce negative thoughts and trap a person in a vicious cycle of toxic emotions that stir up feelings of self-pity or blaming others.
  • Throw the emotions of a person off balance to become easily irritable, feeling empty, depressed or anxious.
  • Affect bodily functions leading to hormonal imbalance, high blood pressure, insomnia or gastric ulcers.
  • Long term stress may bring about deviant or erratic behaviour leading to avoidance personality disorder, causing one to lose courage and motivation.

What are Emotional Brainwaves?

Our Body and Emotions are Affected by Our Brainwaves

β wave (pronounced as “beta wave”) appears when you are in a state of high alertness and attentiveness, ready to respond and act, which in turn enhances your work performance, allowing you to express your potential and talents in order to reach your goals successfully.

α wave (pronounced as “alpha wave”) appears when you are in a state of wakeful relaxation. Your mind is filled with creative ideas and your brain is at its optimal state of learning with strong absorptive mental power.

θ wave (pronounced as “theta wave”) appears when you are in light sleep or half asleep as your brain enters into a state of meditation and forgetting oneself, quickly relieving your body from mental stresses and easing feelings of anxiety and tension.

δ wave (pronounced as “delta wave”) appears when you are in deep sleep and your brain is in a state of complete relaxation, enabling your body to regain its energy and youthfulness, thus achieving optimal physical and mental health.

α wave as the bridging brainwave affects how your brain shifts from one brainwave activity to the next in response to the situations you face in your daily life. In other words, the more stable the α wave energies, the more positive-driven your mind will be.

Emotional Brain Analysis Is Suitable For Anyone who wants to understand the tendencies of their emotional thinking.

We use EQC Brain Detox Therapeutic System to capture and analyse the brainwave patterns of interested clients.

Therapy for Head & Eyes

How the Therapy Works

We use Cell Physiotherapy Device + HTM Smart Health & Wellness Therapy System + acupressure techniques + magnetic resonance energy

  • Relieve symptoms of headaches and migraines
  • Reduce heaviness, tightness and numbness in head and eyes
  • Promote better blood circulation in head and eyes
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Reduce eye fatigue and dryness
  • Protect eyes from premature aging such as cataracts, floaters, blurred vision

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