Reducing Inflammation with Cell Therapy

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  • Reducing Inflammation with Cell Therapy

Cell Therapy – Cutting Edge Method That
“Sweeps Away” Aging Factors & Reduces Inflammation

How the Therapy Works

We use Cell Physiotherapy Device + HTM Smart Health & Wellness Therapy System


  • release tightness and tension
  • improve flexibility
  • improve blood circulation
  • promote better healing and recovery
  • reduce pain, aches and numbness
  • reduce acute and chronic inflammation
  • have cumulative and lasting results

Suitable for:

Deep tissue detox to remove toxins, dampness and coldness from cells, organs and lymph circulation to prevent premature aging of body

Thyroid Nodules
– overgrowth of tissue that form a lump within the thyroid gland

Cysts in body organ
– membranous sacs containing fluid in the body

Polyps in body
overgrowth of tissue projecting from a mucous membrane usually found in the colon, stomach, nose, ear, sinus(es), urinary bladder and uterus

Frozen shoulder
– also called adhesive capsulitis whereby there is stiffness and pain in the shoulder

joint Rhinitis
– inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose characterised by a runny nose, sneezing and stuffiness and usually caused by the common cold or a seasonal allergy

– swelling and inflammation of the cavities around nasal passages (sinuses) that leads to nasal congestion, causing difficulty breathing through the nose; there may be pain, tenderness and swelling around the eyes, cheeks, nose or forehead

– inflammation of the joints characterised by joint pain, stiffness, swelling, redness and decreased range of motion; typical conditions include osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

Lumbar Disc Herniation
– commonly known as slip disc whereby one or more of the rubbery cushions (disks) between individual bones (vertebrae) in the lower back are pushed out through a tear that results in pain, numbness or tingling or weakness in the lower back and leg

Cervical Spondylitis
– age-related wear and tear affecting the spinal disks in the neck that may cause a narrowing of the space needed by the spinal cord and the nerve roots that pass through the spine to the rest of the body, leading to pain and stiffness in the neck, sometimes even tingling, numbness and weakness in the arms or hands

Bone Spurs
– bony projections that develop along bone edges in the joints or on the bones of the spine which cause pain and loss of motion in the area where they are located

Gastric Ulcers
– open sores that develop on the inside of the stomach

Duodenal Ulcers
– open sores that occur on the inside of the upper portion of the small intestine

Ulcers in the stomach and small intestine cause symptoms such as burning stomach pain, feeling of fullness, bloating or belching, fatty food intolerance, heart burn or nausea

– a clouding of the normally clear lens of the eyes which causes blurred or dim vision, increasing difficulty with vision at night, sensitivity to light and glare or double vision in a single eye

– spots in the vision that may appear as dark specks or transparent strings of floating material; spots that move when you move your eyes; noticeable spots when you look at a plain bright background such as a blue sky or a white wall; spots that appear as small shapes or strings that eventually settle down and drift out of the line of vision

– an eye problem that is often associated with elevated fluid pressure inside the eye in which damage to the optic nerve can lead to loss of vision and even blindness

Explanation of Recovery Symptoms Experienced After Therapy

1.Extremely tired, keep dozing off, passing out lots of gases

Dissolving the fats, cholesterol, chemical substances, western medication residue in the blood and body fluids which causes the blood to become cloudy

2.Heatiness, even feverish sensation in whole body

Body is readjusting the immune system


Body readjusting the functions of the large intestines


Body readjusting the functions of the small intestines/Removing the waste residue in the intestines

5.Diarrhoea (Watery stools)

Removing excess water trapped in the body and intestines

6.Lose sleep suddenly/sleep less but wake up feeling alert, not sleepy or tired

Readjusting the nervous system which gets irritable and tense easily

7.Sores breaking out in any body part, sometimes with pus (existence of bacteria)/rashes on skin, can be itchy or non-itchy

Body removing toxins from blood

8.Extreme thirst, cracked lips which means a lot of heat in liver

Lots of toxins are being processed in the liver, therefore producing a lot of heat due to increased detox load on liver

9.For those taking long term medication, repeated outbreak of ulcers in/around the mouth or sore throat

Body removing western medication or chemical substances accumulated in the blood, liver or body tissues


Liver detoxifying and repairing

11.Dizziness, headache

Dissolving lipids or cholesterol hardened in brain blood vessels, or a readjustment of high or low blood pressure problem

12.Feeling energetic

Stimulating inactive immune cells

13.Feeling sleepy

Those with a weak body constitution or being sick, require a lot of cellular energy for the detox process and this energy is better generated during sleeping

14.Athlete’s foot, Urine protein

Body expelling coldness from the gastro-intestinal system

15.Stomach bloatedness, blood in stool, constipation, dark stool, pimples on arms

Large intestines detoxifying and repairing

16.Dizziness, swollen area around ears

Small intestines detoxifying and repairing heart function

17.Increased blood pressure

Repairing blood vessel lining, plague being shed from the lining

18.Feeling hungry

Readjusting the body metabolism and food intake

19.Foot odour and bad breath

Increased bacterial growth during body detox process

20.Hair loss

Stimulating regeneration of hair follicles, replacing aging and damaged hair follicle cells with new ones

21.Skin rashes

Removing dampness and water-soluble toxins from body

22.Stomach acid reflux, gastric pain, vomiting

Recovery process for various gastric problems characterised by recurring inflammation of the stomach lining; repairing, detoxifying and strengthening the function of the stomach lining. The body is going through self-healing process and the symptoms will gradually subside after a few days.

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